Saturday, June 5, 2010

We have to say how much we appreciate the every day efforts of the San Juan Conservation District. These hard working people usually do their jobs without much attention, but the amount of services they provide to all of us in San Juan County is phenomenal. Just take a look at the page listing their many services and programs (the links are on the left when you go here). We know you will find something there you will find helpful! Just check!
The number of services we have available to us through the district is slightly stunning, and the quality of these services and professionals - well... we are very lucky.
There will be a PUBLIC HEARING having to do with the SJ Conservation District:
The San Juan Islands Conservation District
is holding a public hearing on
Tuesday, June 8th, at The Grange in Friday Harbor at 10 AM.
They would like
comments from the public
about renewing a County special assessment which provides some of the Conservation District's funding. It's $5 per parcel, for 5 years. This would be a renewal of the same assessment the District's had since 2006.
They'd like to invite you to attend the public hearing to find out more about what they do and to tell them what you think. Written comments (to SJICD, 350 Court Street #10, Friday Harbor 98250) are also welcome.
For questions about the hearing, or on submitting comments, Conservation District Office Manager Josie Byington is at (360) 378-6621

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